The Help You Need. When You Need It.

At Metamorphosis, we know skincare, but we realise that many of our customers need support in other areas of their menopausal journey, which is why we are committed to building a network of knowledgable experts you can turn to for support.


    Emily Rose Yates, Naturopath

    Emily has developed an evidence based approach to Naturopathic Medicine.  She works closely with the medical model, GP's & specialists to improve patient outcomes.

    Emily is passionate about supporting women to be the best they can be for themselves, their family and the planet.


    Dr. Caroline Hardy MD

    Caroline is a loving mother of 2 boys, and her mission is to make health a “happening” word.  She has special interests in paediatrics, women’s health, men’s health, skin care and psychological wellbeing, including anxiety and depression.

    She practices holistic medicine with an emphasis on lifestyle.